

Charles Darwin
The Theory
References and Group

This page answers most frequently asked questions about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

Did we evolve from monkeys?
No, we did not evolve from the monkey. Scientists believe that we evolved from a common ancestor of the monkeys and of humans, about 5 - 8 million years ago.

Isn't evolution just an unproved theory?
No. In the world of science, your theory is correct until proven otherwise. Since Darwin's proposal of the theory hasn't been proven incorrect, it is still right. Scientists have been able to gather information from studies over the last 150 years to further support the idea, and expand the theory much further than Darwin ever could.

Are we related to every species of animal?
Yes. According to Darwin's theory, we all share a common ancestor. Thse bonds may not be as strong as, say, our 94% of DNA that we have in common with the Chimpanzees, although we do have some in common, for instance, we share 200 genes with common bacteria.